Sunday, January 3, 2010


A few good words.

The internet is always good and easy way for increasing your vocabulary. Try these next time you open your big mouth:

BABY GOGGLES - where parents of an ugly baby think their offspring is adorable, even though no one else does.
BIKE-CURIOUS - a man going through a mid-life crisis who starts considering riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle instead of a woman.
BLACKBURIED - when you're flooded with so many emails and texts on your BlackBerry you can't cope.
BLAHHHHHg - a blog that goes on and on and on.
BUFFER GUEST – a friend you deliberately invite to a party early to make sure the first person arriving isn't somebody you hardly know.
CANNIVERSARY - a year from the date you got fired.
CARAOKE - enjoyed by people who loudly sing along to music while driving their car.
CARCOLEPSY - describes friends who fall asleep as soon as you start a long trip, giving you no help or company on the trip.
CHRONOPTIMISTS – people who always under-estimate the time it takes to do something.
CUMING ATTRACTION - during sex (alone or with partner) looking at something that causes you to lose control.
CYBERCHONDRIACS - those who use the internet to diagnose their medical problems..
DUDEVORCE - when two guys split up.
EX-HOLE - an good and offensive way of referring to a previous partner, either male or female.
EXTHEIST - somebody who was brought up with religion but turned their back on it all as an adult.
FACE BASE - the point in a relationship when pictures of a couple show up on Facebook or their status changes to “In A Relationship”.
GHOST TWEETERS - people who help their friends write posts on Twitter and Facebook to make them sound funnier.

JINGLE BOWELS - the stomach aches you suffered by too much over-indulgence at Christmas.
JOKE POACHERS - those who listen to your private joke at a party then use it on the whole room to get a big laugh while you watch.
MAN CHAIR - the seat in a clothes store where guys are left sitting while their partner tries on clothes she will never wear but but you will pay for.
NONVERSATION - where you talk garbage to somebody and get absolutely nowhere, often at a party or an awkward office lunch.
PORNY - getting aroused by x-rated material.
READER'S BLOCK - when there is no way you can be bothered to pick up a book to read it.
REBOOTY - an unexpected or expected booty call made by a horny girl/guy to her/his partner or ex for easy sex.
RUNNING LATTE - getting to work late because you stopped at Starbucks.
SHYPOD - someone who doesn't like others seeing what kind of music they have on their iPod.
Speaking in the NERD PERSON is what happens when somebody explains something technical or geeky to somebody who doesn't have a clue.
TRUSTICLES - having the balls to trust somebody in a tough situation.

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