Sunday, February 28, 2010



“I’ve been waiting so long to hug my grandchildren.”
Jon Voight

DART SAYS: Careful no inappropriate touching grandpa! It’s illegal in some states.

“I cultivated a real relationship with him the last 2 years of his life. It was the coolest thing. I would have tea with him- sometimes once a week, sometimes twice a week.”
Paula Abdul (about Simon Cowell)

DART SAYS: And some people cultivate wheat, corn, or rice.

“I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems.”
Elton John

DART SAYS: Is that what BENNY AND THE JETS was all about?

"I am thrilled to be on this show and to be part of a program that educates teens and young adults about the consequences of teen pregnancy,"
Bristol Palin

DART SAYS: And could she teach us about hunting polar bears and snow-shoeing in next 25 minutes?

"Mind-altering substances are so dangerous. If I can teach others, especially teens, by sharing my experiences, then that's what I will continue to do."
Lindsay Lohan

DART SAYS: Why not open a school with Bristol?

“Sometimes I find my head spinning. Not because of alcohol, but because of my life.”
Lady Gaga

DART SAYS: we think it’s more likely those stupid hats you wear pressing down on your skull.

“I broke no regulation, offered no 'safety risk' (what, was I gonna roll on a fellow passenger?) I saw someone bigger than me on THAT flight.”
Kevin Smith

DART SAYS: Isn’t that the underwear bomber’s defence?

“I don't think I've ever liked having sex with someone more than two years!”
Jenny McCarthy

DART SAYS: WOW! Congrats! For some people more than 20 minutes with eyes closed is a major accomplishment.”

“Some people eat, some people drink -- but I Pledge everything.”
Johnny Weir (figure skater)

DART SAYS: Something tells us he’s not talking about polishing furniture, buy maybe he is.

“I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vaginas.”
Robert Pattinson

DART SAYS: Smart guy, you’ll save lots of cash on condoms and mouthwash.

“No one believes me when I talk about this, but I'm really, really maternal.”
Megan Fox

DART SAYS: Make us believers – show us the breast-feeding pics.

“I didn't get them as big as I originally wanted.”
Heidi Montag


“Look, if I have to wear a trash bag I'll belt it with rhinestones and I'll make it work.”
Sandra Bullock

DART SAYS: It works for Amy Winehouse, right?

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